Calaveras Lake Fishing Spot

  • Elevation: 504'
  • Last Modified By: overstdr on 02/13/08 09:58 AM
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Calaveras Lake Description

Calaveras Lake is a reservoir on Calaveras Creek, located 20 miles (32 kilometers) southeast of downtown San Antonio, Texas, USA. The reservoir was formed in 1969 by the construction of a dam to provide a cooling pond for a power plant to supply additional electricity to the city of San Antonio. The dam and lake are managed by the City Public Service Board of San Antonio. Together with the smaller Victor Braunig Lake, Calaveras Lake was one of the first projects in the nation to use treated wastewater for power plant cooling. The reservoir is partly filled with wastewater that has undergone both primary and secondary treatment at a San Antonio Water System treatment plant. Calaveras Lake also serves as a venue for recreation, including fishing and boating. Sailboats are prohibited on the lake.

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