My First Striper!!!! Finally!!!!!
After what has been a rather long wait, I finally hooked into my first striper today. We hit up Wollaston Beach around ten in the morn. There's a full moon around now so there were some big tides. High tide was a bout 12:45. We threw out cut mackerel from the freezer on bottom rigs and just at back and waited. Most of the day was uneventful, but I eventually felt a nice hit on my 12' rod at about one in the afternoon. I got super excited and my cousin grabbed the gopro to start filming. I fought the fish for a little while before finally getting him in. It was no keeper by any means, just a schoolie weighing maybe 7 pounds or so. But it was great for my first striper. We released him and left about a half hour after that. After many unsuccessful trips in the past, getting that fish in was awesome. Now on to the mysterious blue. Tight lines!