When I’m telling you he’s a specialist.
I’m telling you that for a reason.
I don’t process information like an everyday person.
My woman works at the bar and we work together, I sell.
That makes sense. TO ME!
He’s hen pecked and follows his woman to work at the pub.
That doesn’t make sense TO ME.
That makes sense.
It’s not business Claude and Cook, it’s personal.
I had to lay her off due to the divorce.
The young girl would sit at the desk with me and we
would play hangman. This is the word she picked and
I was lucky enough to guess right. Me and the kid were
on the same page. Me and her father enjoyed small
talk about fishing for striped bass. SUPREME!
You’re telling me what to do.
You’re making decisions for me.
I’m not a pan handler.
He lost his accent.
Nak and dask knows him.